Web3Go Exciting Free Airdrop Opportunity Supported by Binance Labs

Exclusive Airdrop Opportunity Backed by Binance Labs
Web3Go Exciting Free Airdrop Opportunity Supported by Binance Labs
source: https://twitter.com/Web3Go
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Web3Go, a groundbreaking data platform within the Polkadot ecosystem, has recently teamed up with SubQuery, marking a significant stride in blockchain data analytics. Developed by the Litentry group, Web3Go is designed to demystify the complexities of blockchain data, making it accessible and actionable for users. This collaboration aims to create a user-friendly platform that unlocks the hidden value of information across Polkadot and its parachains.

Achievements and Recognition

Web3Go's innovation and potential were recognized at the Wanxiang/Web3 Foundation Hackathon in Shanghai, where it garnered three prestigious awards, including the Web3 Foundation Special Prize and the Moonbeam Network’s Most Promising Development Prize​​.

Insights and Visualization

A key feature of Web3Go is its ability to provide insightful visualizations into various aspects of the Polkadot network, such as parachain crowdloans and stake information. This is facilitated by SubQuery's technology, which organizes real-time on-chain data into an easily navigable database. This collaboration allows users to search, retrieve, filter, and construct data boards tailored to their analytical needs​​​​.

The Dashboard: A Real-time Monitoring Tool

The partnership has led to the development of a specialized dashboard for monitoring Polkadot parachains auctions. This tool provides detailed, real-time data on crowdloans, showcasing the development and contributions to each project. The dashboard has proven to be more comprehensive and feature-rich than similar tools available, like Polkadot.js, illustrating the advanced capabilities of Web3Go and SubQuery in blockchain data analysis​​.

Community Engagement and Accessibility

With over 10,000 page visits on its first day, the dashboard highlights Web3Go's commitment to community involvement and the democratization of blockchain data. The platform allows users to create and share charts instantly, fostering a collaborative environment where information is equally accessible, underpinning the belief in mutual benefit from blockchain data's latent value​​.

Steps to follow

1. Navigate to web3go.xyz and connect the web3 wallet like Metamask, trust wallet etc.. select BNB network

Source: https://reiki.web3go.xyz/aiweb/home

2. Once wallet connected sign the transaction to login into dashboard select the gold leaves shown in the image.

Source: https://reiki.web3go.xyz/aiweb/home

3. Click on the collect in daily checkin do this on daily basis as showin in bellow

Source: https://reiki.web3go.xyz/aiweb/home

4. Also complete quiz and connect you social media accounts to get more gold leaves. The more leaves you collect the more airdrop rewards you get.

start this free airdrop forming now to earn free money.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided in this article is based on the referenced research articles. It is essential to conduct further research and analysis before making any investment decisions. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and investors should exercise caution and consult with financial professionals before engaging in cryptocurrency trading or investment activities.

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